Research & Thinking


  • Do you need an expert on public participation or democratic innovation? 
  • Do you want to explore a particular question in depth, but do not have the necessary skills or knowledge? 
  • Do you want to learn from other countries' experience with citizen participation? 



We can help. At EIPP we can conduct research on civic participation based on your request. We base our research on a core belief in interdisciplinarity and draw on state-of-the-art democratic theory, political science, sociology and psychology. We investigate participatory processes, initiatives and projects of public participation to understand to what extent these may be regarded as democratic, under what conditions they are successful and how they can strengthen the capacity of government, business and civil society. What does more citizen participation mean for the development of democracy, our society and how we live together? Our findings are presented in a clear and accessible way, suitable for public dissemination.