„Participation is a way of getting better results, of anticipating problems early on and in the long run getting a more efficient implementation. To gather all the knowledge available and using it for decision-making.“

Dr. Simon Dalferth


Simon Dalferth

Simon has extensive experience in conceptualising, planning, and evaluating processes of citizen participation. Having followed and participated in the debate on eParticipations since the early 2000s, he is also an expert in online-participation and open data.

He is a frequent speaker at international conferences on democracy, participation and the role of public participation in processes of social change.


A founding member of EIPP, he is an expert in methods of event moderation and dialogic communication (Art of Hosting) and an member of the participatory leadership network of the EU institutions.










Since 2011 Advisor for the director on document management at the Council of the European Union, with a focus on transparency, open data and knowledge management.

2009 - 2011 Education system and policy analyst at the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Brussels (Belgium).

Since 2009, Partner and founding member of EIPP, regular speaker at conferences and seminars.

2008 PhD in Political Science on Police and internal security cooperation in the EU, Germany and England (Prof. Dr. Markus Jachtenfuchs), Jacobs University Bremen.


1999 - 2003 Studies in Political Science in Berlin, Brighton/Sussex and Prague.