„2007 nach meinem Traum für die Zukunft befragt habe ich geantwortet: eine ‚Agency for Participation‘ zu gründen. Es ging mir darum, Menschen in die Verantwortung zu bringen. Technische Innovationen sind immer auch mit sozialen Veränderungen verbunden, mit einer Werthaltung. Expertenwissen allein reicht daher nicht aus, die zentrale Frage ist: Wie wollen wir leben?“
Prof. Dr. Patrizia Nanz
Patrizia Nanz, founder of EIPP, is a political scientist and a renown expert for public participation and democratic innovations. She is scientifc director of the Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies and professor of transformative sustainability studies at the University of Potsdam. Previously, she was professor of political theory at the University of Bremen. Since 2009 she is member of the executive committee of the Online-Wiki-Platform Participedia, a database for democratic innovations worldwide. From 2013-16 Patrizia Nanz was head of the research area „Culture of Participation“ at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI). In cooperation with Klaus Töpfer (IASS Potsdam) and Claus Leggewie (KWI) she led the project “DEMOENERGY – The Transformation of the Energy System as the Engine for Democratic Innovations”.